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Führung | "About Cashew and Cassava: African plants", Tour in English

Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2025, 16 Uhr
Start: Main Entrance, Ecological-Botanical Garden | Haupteingang, Ökol.- Botan. Garten, Campus

The African continent hosts all tropical vegetation zones. From the lowlands to the heights of the Kil-imanjaro with its endemic rosette trees, from the tropical rainforests in the Congo, the vast Acacia and Baobab-Savannahs, the Namib and Sahara deserts to the mediterranean sclerophyll vegetation in the upper North and the very South. During the public guided tour on February 26th 2025, we will get to know typical plants from these vegetation zones, as well as many important crop plants like Cassa-wa, Moringa and Khat. Meeting point is the main entrance of the Botanical Garden at 4pm at the Campus of the University Bayreuth. The participation is for free. 

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Jens Wagner

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